Addition to the Subway Mural

A note from a DMPA board member: 

There was a space in between the "Dundee Subway" letters that was a possible target for future graffiti.  It was also pointed out to me that we had not included our light posts and flower baskets in any of the murals. After contacting several schools and other possible artists, my daughter Catrina said she could do it and with the nice weather this weekend, her new mural was painted to the wall in the tunnel.  It looks great and it now has the anti-graffiti coating on it.  I am attaching a picture of the finished product.

-Dave Schinzel

Posted on December 6, 2016 .

December 2016 Newsletter

December Newsletter

In this month's newsletter: 

  • There's info on an upcoming events such as:
  1. Tree trimming workshop offered by City Parks & Rec and Public Property Department
  2. Complete Streets Design Mural Competition
  • More news on the Ash Borer Information about the
  • President Molly writes a great Thank You to Kitty Prinz in her letter
  • And lastly, Don Bowers is hanging up his hat with these final great tips in this month's Old House Mechanic

Download the FULL newsletter HERE

Posted on December 6, 2016 and filed under Newsletter.

2018 Flower Basket Information

It is that time of year... Flower Basket collection. Planting begins in early March and we need ALL of the donations by that time. **Your Block Captain will also be collecting if you prefer checks or cash but we hope more and more people take advantage via the convenient online donations. It is VERY easy and you have several payment options. Your donation will of course be filed with your block (don't forget to note your address). 

Please take into consideration that there are flower baskets at the "entrances" to the neighborhood that are not on a particular block. The neighborhood "as a whole" takes care of these with the extra donations we receive. That being said, know that any extra donations go toward these baskets, damaged or stolen baskets, fuel/water/materials expenses, or other unforeseen costs.

It is a one of a kind program that only survives because of the generosity of time and treasure. Neighborhood volunteers plant, hang, water, and remove the baskets every year. 

Click below to...
Volunteer to water the baskets

Thank you for supporting this great program,
Peter Manhart
312 S 57th St


Posted on November 11, 2016 .

November 2016 Newsletter

November's Newsletter Highlights:

  • This month’s neighborhood meeting is on the 14th. We’ll be talking trees. We'd love to see you there!
  • Speaking of trees, thank you to all of the volunteers who participated in the Re-Tree Midtown program!
  • Also, huge Thank You to Dan Rock and the flower basket crews for all of your hard work!
  • Mark your calendar! Holiday Lights on Dundee is Thursday, December, 1st.
  • Check out the Dundee Community Garden Fall Update! The DCG donated over 1000 pounds of produce this year! Wow!

Download the FULL Newsletter

Posted on November 11, 2016 and filed under Newsletter.

October 2016 Newsletter

October's Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:

  • President Molly reminds everyone of upcoming neighborhood meetings. The board meeting is tonight, and the neighborhood candidate's forum meeting is October 10th. Check out the newsletter for details!
  • There are some exciting updates for the Sunken Gardens!
  • Lastly, there has been some vandalization in the Dodge Street Subway and we need your help to ensure that we can protect the mural from further damage. You can donate here

Download the FULL Newsletter

Posted on October 3, 2016 .

Board Meeting Minutes

Anyone is welcome to attend a DMPA board meeting. Please email us for details. 

 2019 Minutes

2018 Minutes

2017 Minutes

  • November 2017 board meeting minutes.

  • September 2017 board meeting minutes.

  • March 2017 board meeting minutes.

  • April 2017 board meeting minutes.

  • February 2017 board meeting minutes.

  • January 2017 board meeting minutes.

2016 Minutes

  • September 2016 board meeting minutes.

  • October 2016 board meeting minutes.

  • November 2016 board meeting minutes.

  • January 2016 Board meeting minutes.

Posted on September 20, 2016 and filed under Board Meeting Minutes.

Dodge Street Subway Mural Vandalization

As everyone should know, the five "Windows on Dundee" murals were installed in May by UNO students.  They look great and are a great addition to our neighborhood.  There has been some minor graffiti over the summer but the anti-graffiti coating works great and any paint has been easily wiped away without any damage to the underlying surface.  Some additional caulking on the roof was done to address some leaking during heavy rains.

Unfortunately, a couple of the murals were damaged when a vandal decided to tear off a couple of edges that had come loose.  We had all of the murals cauled with an adhesive after that happened and it seemed to work.  However, in the last week someone decided to take a knife to one of the murals and tore off almost half of the mural cutting it into many pieces.  Fortunately, Grace Rock picked up the pieces and I was able to get the mural put back together again over the weekend.

I met with the contractor on Saturday to see if he had any thoughts or ideas.  First, he suggested using an inexpensive deer camera to see if we can get a picture of who may be doing this.  I went out to Dick's and I was able to get a $50 camera that I am going to put on one of the poles.  The contractor also suggested covering the murals with an abrasive proof plexiglass.  The contractor is going to get me estimates by tomorrow.  His best guess was probably $6,000 to $8,000.  He understands how important it is to get this done quickly before any further damage is done.

We currently have $2,252.84 remaining from the funds designated for the subway.  We have a $1,027.20 cost for the two mural artists plaques that are yet to be installed.  That leaves $1,225.64 that can be dedicated to the plexiglass covers.  That means we would need to raise another $5,000 to $7,000 to get it done.

I am committed to doing whatever I can to raise that money so these great pieces of art can be protected.

Posted on September 7, 2016 .

September 2016 Newsletter

President Molly's Letter:

  • Next neighborhood meeting is September 12th!
  • Have you checked all the new business in the Business District?!
  • Updates on the Lyman Richey Apartment Project
  • And wayyyyy more

Dodge Street Subway Project Updates:

  • Due to the recent vandalization, we need to raise funds to protect the mural! Please consider and donate here

Check out all of the upcoming events at DCG, including Tour de Garden!

Read the Full Newsletter Here

Posted on September 7, 2016 and filed under Newsletter.

August 2016 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

President Molly covers a lot in her letter: Lyman Richey Apartment Project, Dodge Street Bridge, upcoming elections and more.

Dundee Days: you will find a schedule of events in the newsletter and online. If you want to participate in the parade, you can still sign up here

DCG: So many upcoming events!

Old House Mechanic: Tips for stripping varnish on woodwork


Posted on August 4, 2016 .