July 2016 Newsletter

July's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • President’s letter: President Molly gives a great explanation of the proposed city ordinance to redefine the process of issuing demolition permits for buildings over 75 years old.

  • Dundee Day is getting closer! You will find a parade application in the newsletter and online here

  • In case you missed it: more info on the Lyman Richey Cement Plant Redevelopment. 

  • Pat Gobel writes a farewell letter and welcomes Greg Lindberg as the new owner of Dundee Dell!

Download the FULL Newsletter

Posted on July 7, 2016 and filed under Newsletter.

March 2016 Newsletter

March Newletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • President Adam talks about the the possible Dundee expansion of the "You Are Here" project with artist Watie White. If you have never hear of this project, you are missing something huge and so unique. Learn more by reading the newsletter and coming to this month's neighborhood meeting. More info here
  • Have you seen the old Max I. Walker office building renovation in progress? Are you curious about what is taking its place? We are so excited to tell you!
  • We still need volunteers for flower basket planting. If you are interested, please (PLEASE!) sign up here


Posted on March 2, 2016 and filed under Newsletter.

Dodge Street Overpass 50th Anniversary

Omaha's historic Dodge Street Overpass turns 50 years old in 2018. To celebrate this milestone, the Dundee Memorial Park Association is raising funds to have the bridge sandblasted and repainted to maintain it's integrity. Here's a link to KETV's news story with more details.

If you'd like to donate, you can here


Last year, the Omaha World Herald wrote a great article about the upcoming anniversary. You can read it again here

Check out all of these great vintage photos and old articles highlighting the significance of this treasured bridge!
Reprinted by permission of the Omaha World Herald and Durham Museum.

Posted on February 23, 2016 .

The Sunks update in the OWH

There was a great article today in the Omaha World Herald about Matt Dwyer's vision to restore the old sunken gardens, more commonly known as "the sunks". You can read about it on the OWH website here.  

Posted on February 1, 2016 .

Holiday Lights on Dundee Photos

You can check out the photos taken at JM Studios here.

If you have any photos you'd like to add to the gallery, please email them to us at dundeememorialparkinfo@gmail.com


Posted on January 5, 2016 .