November 2020 Newsletter

November's Newsletter

In this month'sNewsletter:

  • There are so many ways to give in the neighborhood including DMPA's Period Product Drive and Le Quartier's Food Bank Drive!

  • Lights on Dundee is right around the corner!

  • There's a new Dundee merchant you should definitely check out!

  • And there's a letter from our neighbor, Emily Strauss!


Posted on January 5, 2021 .

Period Products Drive

DMPA is hosting a Period Products Drive with our friends at Scout: Dry Goods & Trade. Throughout the month of November, please drop off period products at Scout to be donated to the Women's Center for Advancement (WCA). One of Dundee's old beloved merchant's, Hello Holiday, started this drive three years ago and we have their support to continue this effort to bring dignity to women in need. Monetary donations can be accepted through the WCA’s website HERE.

You all are amazing and we thank you for your generosity!

Posted on November 17, 2020 .

Subway Camera - Please Donate

We Need Your Help to Protect the Dodge St. Subway

In 2014, DMPA undertook a project to renovate the pedestrian tunnel under Dodge St. at 51 st St. (Known as the Dodge St. Subway). Through the generous support of businesses, foundations and neighbors, what was once a neighborhood eyesore is now a landmark. New lighting and murals created by UNO and Dundee School students make this a safe and inviting way to safely cross Dodge St.

There have been some issues in the tunnel and the current cameras have been very helpful to police in catching those responsible. With improvements in technology, there are higher quality cameras now available.

We have the opportunity to improve the safety of the tunnel with a new and improved camera system. Carlson West Povondra Architects, located at 51 st & Dodge St., has generously offered to have security cameras from both ends of the tunnel as well as inside the tunnel connected to their building’s security system. This will allow for monitoring and the ability to quickly provide quality video to the police when needed.

In order to accomplish this, DMPA needs to raise the funds to cover the installation of new cameras that are compatible with the architects’ office system. Our hope is to have the new system up and running by the start of school.

We know these are very challenging times for many but any support you can provide to protecting this heavily used landmark is very much appreciated.

You can donate HERE.

Posted on June 30, 2020 .

June 2020 Newsletter

June's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Overview of Transit Oriented Development and How it Impacts Dundee

  • Public Comment Period Closes on JUNE 28th - Submit Comments to the City Planning Department HERE

  • We will hold a Facebook Live event June 11th and will have a lot of information sent to neighbors between now and then, so please stay tuned!


Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.

April 2020 Newsletter

April's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Donate to the DMA + DMPA COVID Relief Fund HERE.

  • Thank you to our friends at Indian Creek for donating much of their time
    to plant additional flower baskets!

  • Many Spring Events will be rescheduled, so stay tune. 

  • Stay home!


Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.