July 2015 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • President Adam talks about the new development on Nebraska Medicine's campus and explains the flower basket watering schedule
  • Dundee Community Garden news and upcoming events
  • Old House Mechanic - removing paint drippings off brick exterior
  • Subway Tunnel Project update
  • AV Sorensen Library upcoming events

Download the Full Newsletter

See you next month neighbor!

Posted on July 9, 2015 and filed under Newsletter.

Old Grandpa's Location Gets Much Needed Love

Have you driven down Underwood Ave and noticed that the Old Grandpa's store is gone? It happened overnight, didn't it? Well there are excited things happening. Here the details:

In Dundee development news, Grandpa’s Convenience Mart at 5018 Underwood will be razed and replaced with a three-story mixed use building. Construction is scheduled to begin this June which sets the project’s completion for late spring of 2016. During construction the sidewalk near the site will be closed and some parking stalls will be temporarily unavailable, but become usable again before the building is done. Compared to the building it replaces, the new mixed-use building will be taller and sit closer to the street. The façade materials will include red brick to match the historic Dundee aesthetic. The first floor retail space will be equipped to house two restaurants, the second floor will be a pediatric clinic, and the third will contain six apartments. Omaha Public Works is involved in part of the project that involves partial replacement of the adjacent alley. The owner is Red Brick, LLC, the architect is Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture, and the contractor is Boyd Jones Construction. 



Posted on June 29, 2015 .

June 2015 Newsletter

Hot off the press!

Here are the highlights: 

  • President Adam gives us some reminders on why our neighborhood is so awesome
  • Lots of upcoming events: Memorial Park Concert, Dundee Community Garden Ice Cream Social, and more 
  • Twenty-one new trees were planted as a part of Re-Tree Midtown! Don’t forget to water your new tree if one was planted in your yard
  • Subway Project Update (our fundraising goal was surpassed!! BIG DEAL!)
  • Check out the upcoming Sorensen Library events


Posted on June 4, 2015 and filed under Newsletter.

Elmwood Park Pool Delayed Opening

We regret to report that Elmwood Park's Pool will be opening later than usual.
Please see below and know that we are just as sad as you are.  


OMAHA, NE – Due to unforeseeable maintenance circumstances Zorinsky and Elmwood Pool, that were expected to open Saturday, May 30, 2015 will be pushed back into next week.

Zorinsky Pool is expected to open sometime next week and Elmwood Pool is expected to open during the second wave of pool openings on Saturday, June 6, 2015.

Maintenance crews are currently in the process of fixing issues at both pools and will work over the weekend and into next week to finish both projects as soon as possible.

For updates and pool information visit parks.cityofomaha.org or become a fan on Facebook, or follow @OmahaParks on Twitter and Instagram.

Temporarily Closed
Elmwood Pool
Zorinsky Pool

May 30, 2015 Openings
Deer Ridge Pool
Gallagher Pool
Hitchcock Pool
Miller Pool
Oak Heights Pool
Roanoke Pool

June 6, 2015 Openings
Camelot Pool 
Cryer Pool
Elkhorn Pool
Hanscom Pool
Karen Pool
Lee Valley Pool
Spring Lake Pool

Posted on May 30, 2015 .

Dundee Days Applications

Dundee Days is right around the corner and we are so excited!

If you have a group that would like to be a part of this year's parade, please fill out this application. If you have something awesome to sell or good information to spread and would like to be a vendor, please fill out this application.

For more information, please email Jody.

We can't wait to see you!


Posted on May 15, 2015 .

Flower Baskets are UP!

After so much hard work from so many people, the flower baskets have made it onto the streets of Dundee! They look WONDERFUL!

BIG THANKS to all the guys that spent the entire day hanging them throughout the neighborhood. If you feel inclined to give them a shoulder and arm massage, please do! They could use it. 

Here's a photo of one of the MANY truckloads of flower baskets, and Dan hanging up the first flower basket in the Dundee Business District. (Thanks Dan!)

Posted on May 7, 2015 .

May 2015 Newsletter

Here are some of the highlights from this month's newsletter:

  • If you see them around on their bicycles, say “Hello” to Dundee’s new beat officers, Officer Chad Wiebers and Officer Matthew Stigge.
  • So many upcoming events! Garage Sale Weekend, hanging up flower baskets, Community Garden Workshops, Bank of the West concert in Memorial Park, and Dundee Days! Check the Newsletter for details.
  • OmahaGives! is May 20th. The Dundee-Memorial Park Association and the Dundee Community Garden (DCG) are two of the many non-profits in this year’s giving extravaganza. No donation is too small. Mark your calendars!!
    Here's DCG's donation page
    And here's DMPA's donation page.
  • May 15th is the deadline to donate to the Dodge Street Subway Project. Huge THANK YOU to Leo A. Daly!
    You can donate here.
  • Old House Mechanic - How to smooth out a popcorn ceiling.

Download the Full Newsletter

Posted on May 4, 2015 and filed under Newsletter.