Posts filed under Newsletter

March 2022 Newsletter

March's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Mark your calendar for April's Neighborhood Meeting! More info HERE

  • It's time to sign up for this Spring's Garage Sale Weekend! Sign up HERE

  • Gas prices are on the rise, and that truck hauls A LOT of water. Get those last minute flower donations in, donate HERE today!

  • Two great articles from board member Jim McGee!


Posted on May 2, 2022 and filed under Newsletter.

June 2020 Newsletter

June's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Overview of Transit Oriented Development and How it Impacts Dundee

  • Public Comment Period Closes on JUNE 28th - Submit Comments to the City Planning Department HERE

  • We will hold a Facebook Live event June 11th and will have a lot of information sent to neighbors between now and then, so please stay tuned!


Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.

April 2020 Newsletter

April's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Donate to the DMA + DMPA COVID Relief Fund HERE.

  • Thank you to our friends at Indian Creek for donating much of their time
    to plant additional flower baskets!

  • Many Spring Events will be rescheduled, so stay tune. 

  • Stay home!


Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.

March 2020 Newsletter

March's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • Mary Green interviews a neighborhood legend, Lannie McNichols. It was interesting to read that some of the things she battled in the 70's (such as zoning) are they same things we're dealing with today!

  • February neighborhood meeting recap

  • A historical article written by our newest board member, Jim McGee.

  • This and more in the newsletter!

Keep an eye out for an announcement of a neighborhood meeting in April to discuss Opt In Zoning changes related Transit Oriented Development that will affect Dundee. 

Download the 

Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.

February 2020 Newsletter

February's Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:

  • New Neighborhood Developments - Davenport & Fix Farnam

  • Next Neighborhood Meeting is February 10th. See you there!

  • Flower Baskets donations are rolling in! Donate HERE. Sign up to be a basket planting volunteer!

  • We NEED NEED NEED two flower basket watering coordinator volunteers! Is it you?

  • This and more in the newsletter!

Download the 

Posted on June 9, 2020 and filed under Newsletter.