More Trees Planted in Dundee
By Dave Schinzel
On Saturday, October 24th, 23 new trees were planted on the east side of 50th Street between Leavenworth St. and Howard St. The trees were planted along a chain link fence on the west side of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The street had been lined with crabapple trees that flowered every spring but over the years most of these trees had reached the end of their lives and had to be removed. A variety of new flowering trees and maples were planted as replacements.
Funds for the 23 trees were provided as part of the Midtown Neighborhood Alliance’s Re-Tree Midtown project. Over 200 new trees have been planted in Dundee over the past 7 years as part of Re-Tree Midtown.
A special thanks to John Ransom, Adam Langdon, Mibby Schinzel, Tom Craig and his son William for taking time out of their Saturday morning to help plant the trees. Because of their efforts, Dundee will once again have a tree-lined entrance to our neighborhood in the coming years.