Flower Basket Planting is Just Around the Corner
In the midst of winter, it’s time to start planning for spring! In March, we’ll be planting the flower baskets that hang throughout the neighborhood all summer long. Can you help? We need lots of neighbors to help plant the baskets—which we plant in the warm cozy greenhouses of Indian Creek Nursery, 303 Saddle Creek Road.
We’ll be planting this year on Friday March 23 and Saturday March 24. Planting times are 10-3 each day, and a lunch for volunteers is provided. No gardening experience required! This is a great way to make new friends, catch up with old friends, and beautify the neighborhood.
To volunteer for one or both days, sign up online at HERE, or e-mail Mary Green at megreen4@cox.net, or leave a message at 402-556-1830. You can also sign up at the monthly DMPA meetings.
Also, we’re looking for someone to help with coordinating the planting project this year, with the idea of taking over the organizing for 2019. This is a fun project to organize! If you can help, contact Mary at the phone or e-mail above.
Thanks for helping,
Mary Green, Flower Basket Chair