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Boyscout Troop 42 Celebrates 100th Birthday

Boy Scout Troop 42 will celebrate its 100 th birthday the weekend of July 7, and

we’re inviting past members and adult leaders as well as the Dundee community

to mark the occasion with us.


The troop will kick off the weekend with a reception and Eagle Scout reunion

Friday, July 7 at Dundee Bank, 5015 Underwood Ave., to unveil the updated

Eagle plaque listing all of the troop’s Eagle Scouts. The names of all recent

Eagle Scouts have been added to the plaque, which is graciously hosted by the

bank. Previous Troop 42 Eagle Scouts also are invited to attend the 7 p.m.



On July 8, the troop will hold a Centennial Block Party outside Dundee

Presbyterian Church, its longtime sponsor and supporter. The block party will

include a summer Court of Honor, preparation of a time capsule, skits and a

presentation of Troop 42’s 100 years of history as well as a few other surprises.

The troop also is raising funds to repair and wrap the troop trailer with a new

banner to commemorate its 100 years. Donations can be sent to Dundee

Presbyterian Church, 5312 Underwood Ave., attention Marc Anderson, Scout



Most importantly, Troop 42 wishes to thank the Dundee community for

supporting scouting in Dundee for 100 years. From leaving food on your porches

for Scouting for Food and purchasing popcorn and holiday greens to visiting our

booth at the Dundee Day Parade, we appreciate it all. The troop, in turn,

continues to do its best to serve the community through service projects including

planting trees, cleaning up Memorial Park after the annual Bank of the West

Celebrates America concert and hauling ballot boxes at the Douglas County

Election Commission.

Troop 42 is proud to have enjoyed 100 years of scouting in Dundee.

Later Event: August 26
Dundee Day